"In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. ... " Welcome to my diary of self-actualization.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pre-School Parents Night

Well, I guess I've hit another life milestone. ahem...my first pre-school parents night.

I was nerve-wracked, but survived and was quite happy with the whole thing. All the parents met in the chapel, and as usual Tim and I were late. The last ones in the door, which happened to be the wrong door. It led to the front stage where the Dean was busy talking...oh well, at least we made it. We tried to nonchalanly get off the stage and find seats in the packed room. This stuff always happens to me.
Anyway, the talk we got was so dang long. I tried hard to pay attention but had had coffee before leaving the house.
"Hi, thanks for coming..blah blah blah........pick my sweater....and the room moms are so and so.....need manicure..blah blah....ect." Seriously, it was long. The bits that I did get were nice though.

The good part was when we got out of chapel and got to go the kid's classrooms to see all their art work. Now, that was cool. So cute! All the parents milled around totally thrilled with the macaroni their kids glued to their paper plates. Personally, I thought they were a bit elementary. I mean come on, can't they make something useful?......um....like jewelry? (Although I must admit that Luke's macaroni plate was totally awesome.....)

Anyway, I regress. So moving on, there were all these sign up sheets for parents to take part in different activities. I forced Tim to sign up for "Talk-about-your-job-day. So in a few months he will take his hard hat to the pre-school class and talk about how to do change orders! Ha ha. Just joking. Anyway, I seriously considered signing up as well and having a talk to the class about fashion. Like how to make your bath towel into an amazing gown, and in so many different ways! I don't know though, I wasn't sure about it so I just signed up to be a clown for the school Halloween party and pass out candy. I think I'll be a good clown.