"In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. ... " Welcome to my diary of self-actualization.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

All we need....and more.

A few days ago Luke asked me to go to the chapel service with him at his preschool. They have chapel every Thursday and the kids have a short service with the pastor. They sing, have a story from the bible and pray. I wasn't aware that parents also were welcome to attend.
So this morning I stayed for the morning chapel and it was one of those gifts that God gives of extreme beauty. So simple and so beautiful. The children sang with full hearts and they held nothing back. Their faces just radiated joy which then spread to everyone else in the chapel.
It's amazing to me how such a simple thing could be so intricate in design and meaning. The wonder and innocence of the children were contagious and I left the service with many things to consider and ponder.
The first thing I thought as I walked to my car is that God must hear my quietest thoughts and deepest questions even when I don't even mean him to, because yesterday, as I ran my errands and kept up my mindless busy pace I secretly wondered if there is more to life. I didn't wonder this in an ungrateful way but more in a curious way. When you have all you want and you need no more things then what do you do? How does life change when the struggle to survive disappears? The thought was so quiet and buried underneath my mental 'to do' lists that I quickly forgot about it.
Then this morning at chapel God reminded me about the question that had been whispering to me the day before. He seemed to be pointing to the children and in many different ways say that, what they are, how they are, that is exactly what He wants from me and everyone else too.
So this morning before I resume the rest of my day I am thinking about exactly what I saw in those children. I remember their shining faces smiling as they sang. Full of life and animation. Full hearts. Spontaneous joy. Completely in the moment of praise.
They seem to naturally know what was important. As I compare myself to them, I doubt they were worried about getting gas for the car or being late for an appointment. Nope they had all they needed right then and there....and I got to be there, and I felt I had all I needed and more too.