"In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. ... " Welcome to my diary of self-actualization.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

By the Grace of God, there go I.

I finally figured out how to choose my own music for this site. It was so easy its embarrassing-oh well.
Let me introduce my current favorite musician: Marc Cohen.

I love his arrangements the guitar, piano, and lyrics are simple, true, and beautifully put. I think this particular song speaks well for me, and if it really is a great song, it will speak to a place in everyone.

I added a few more links to sites I liked. Geek-Betty is someone I accidentally came across, kinda bumped into her blog out in cyberspace. I'm very glad I did. I find reading it a strange experience, as if she is living the life I tried so hard to get away from. But somehow, when reading her blog, we seem the same. All our life trappings that supposedly tell us who we are: our zip code, our education, our cars, ect. ect. that were supposed to separate us...they really don't. Anyway, her life shows me that our wealth is on the inside.

and sometimes I'm proud, and sometimes I'm unsure if I should be ashamed of how hard I tried to climb up up up and out. And I have to think about it to remember, so I know, I wasn't climbing up for status but for freedom. Freedom from ignorance, hatred, bitterness, blame.
So I did climb. Yeah, so I'm a climber. I know it's been said about me. But I think you would have too if you were me. Who wants to live a life saturated with drugs, lies, and fear? It was poverty on every level and when I decided I wanted out, I stopped at nothing to get away from all of it. I can't seem to be sorry for that.

but sometimes I feel guilty about my life. I know I don't have everything in the world but it sure is more than most. I thought about this after posting the pictures of my new bedspread. As if thats the most important thing in the world or something. I don't know. I'm just glad I have a bed with sheets and the fact that they match...well thats the frosting. I'll not mention the thread count..ah hem...but seriously, I guess I felt weird for celebrating so openly my new stuff without qualifying how they came to be, and now I will qualify them.
"By the grace of God, there go I.."

Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm a real grown-up.

Okay, here is the new bed spread, I still need a few more pieces, but hey, Its an improvement.

Next photo proves that I am a full fledged grown-up. I now am the proud owner of stemware. YAH!

Last photo is the flowers I bought this week, they're kinda dying but I'm still hanging on to them.

She was bored!

My bff, Heidi, has met a dream guy and they are about to run off into the sunset. ah hem... Yah. No they really are. I am so happy for her. She is one of the most industrious women I know. Single mom, Business owner, and she's kept her hair gorgeous platinum blond through it all. She is my most fabulous friend. Loyal, loving, whimsical, and completely unique.

It seems like her life is changing as her new man pampers her to death. She called me and left this message, "Um....yah, Cathy, I was wondering...uh, What DO you Do all day, yah, call me back."

Now normally if someone asks me that, them are fighten words! Cause hey! I do important shit. Don't make me get into it.
But when Heidi left that message I totally had to laugh. She used to work too much, as far as I was concerned. It seems like she is getting a well deserved break. I called her back.

"Hey, I got your message....girl, you don't even know!"

Her, "Really? Well what do you do, because I'm kind of bored."

Me, "Okay, remember my bedspread? It was so gross. Anyway, Tim has hated it for so long. I got an awesome new set up. Its totally right out of a magazine. So hotel. But see, it wasn't easy, I bargained shopped, thats the thing see... I went to costco and bought a down comfortor, then Ross for this gorgeous duvet....I'm not even near finished...but you know.."

Her, "hmmmm, yeah.....decorate....that is so perf." (Perf: Perfect.)
Me, "For real, its totally fun. Oh, also, your kid, they will keep you busy, sign em up for all kinds of activities. You know you'll be carpooling for hours. Piano, gymnastics, japanese....yoga...and whatnot."

Her, "Yeah, Savannah is starting ballet, and we'll be moving soon and that will keep us seriously busy. I guess I was just bored for a bit today. Besides I gotta a million apps from nannys to read."

Me, "Oh, well, if you get bored again, call me. I'll tell you about my new magic bullet blender. Its the bomb. Anyway, I'm going back to bed, I have a blader infection."

Her, "ew. kay, bye."

I can not believe we are having this conversation........as we met 11 years ago in a night club we both go- goed at, our lockers were next to each others...and now we're moms and functioning members of society discussing house-wife stuff.......thank God.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Vocabulary Lesson for Tim

A couple days ago my truck was broken into. Not really 'broken into' persay because it wasn't locked in the first place. The only thing stolen that mattered was my phone. I replaced it yesterday and have the same phone number, however, the SIM card memory couldn't be replaced which means I have no ones phone numbers. If you all could be so kind and call me with your number I will start the reprogramming of my phone.

Yesterday Tim was going to take out his one man canoe. He had Luke helping him get it down from the racks. Tim said to him, "Be careful it's delicate."
Luke replies, " I know."
Tim looks at him and goes, "Do you know what 'delicate' means?"
Luke bored says, "Yes, it means fragile."
Tim now curious asks, "Do you know what fragile means?"
Luke says, "Yah Dad, it means something can be easily broken."

Tim came inside later to tell me the story how Luke patiently answered all of his questions, he was a bit surprised by his vocab. I just figured Luke thought Tim needed to know the definition. Its so nice of him to put up with his parents questions.