"In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. ... " Welcome to my diary of self-actualization.

Friday, November 9, 2007

The Rules are Now in Effect.

Boundary #1

Guess what? If your married you DO NOT stay out all night without a word. Thats the damn rule. No exceptions.

Boundary #2

You NEVER call your mother the F-word. Ever. Unless you want to get heck.hell. whatnot.


A wife cannot owe a husband money while they are actually MARRIED!

I'm a Damn Bleeder.....

One Safe Place-Mark Cohn

The day I lit my first cigarette I was thirteen. I sat in the grass under a huge sky at the grammar school I used to attend.
I can remember the feeling of getting dizzy as the smoke rose up around me. Everything got hazy and I felt safe.

This last month has been such a challenge.... Strange, no matter how old I get, I never stop growing up...and these last lessons wracked me. So I'be been cowered down grimacing at life, if anyone wondered where I've been lately.

.....Somehow I grew from child to woman with little knowlege of my value. I notice that even now, as a 33 year old mother and wife, my boundaries in some areas are undefined if not wholly non-existent. I am now in the midst of constructing some new boundaries for myself. These are lines I've drawn with great care, and they indicate the self-worth, dignity, and intristic value that God has been whispering in my ear for years. No more shades of gray.

So as I near November 12, it will mark one month smoke-free. I am continuing to live and breathe, but things are changing over here.