"In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. ... " Welcome to my diary of self-actualization.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Almost Christmas!

I noticed the date of the last time I blogged and I am surprised at how fast time goes by. So much has happened since the 9th of December.....Happy Birthday, Joy!

We said goodbye to Tim's new found son and his family after a beautiful and fantastic visit. We could not have asked God to orchestrate a more loving and joyful reunion between father and son. I feel blessed just to have been a part of it.

Now I am living between our house and my in-laws, since my mom-in-law has been sick. She's having such a hard time recovering from her hip replacement and now today she went in for an emergency pace-maker.

I know how boring it seems to hear about other peoples health problems. But somehow now its much different. I think to myself how long these two people have been with me and how generous they've always been to me even when it was hard to be, and I think they are such a part of my life. This family has finally become my family. I don't know when it happened. Years just passed by, arguments, dinners, babies being born, holidays, and somewhere in there they've become a part of me.

So this Christmas amidst the health problems, never-ending lists of chores and mountains of laundry, I am joyful and thank God for the gift that Christmas is: reconciliation, peace, and love, and of these we abound.

For all my family and friends I pray this Christmas brings the same for you.