"In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. ... " Welcome to my diary of self-actualization.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Midnight Express

Midnight Express is not a movie I would readily reccomend to anyone. A friend of Tim's from church loaned it to him. I had never heard of it before and so sat down to watch.

What followed was two sleepless nights and nightmares. Eventually the movie faded to a place in the back of my mind where I was happy for it to stay there.

Next scene. Tim was loaned another book from a different friend at church, and I remember it had to be back to the owner asap. So I figured I'd give it a read. It was highly reccomended to Tim to read before he went to the Thailand prison with the church group. That probably should have warned me.

I finished it last night in a few hours. Its not very long. Its hard to put down even though you want to. The book is called 4000 days. Its the true life story of a Australian man who was imprisoned in Thailand for 11 years.

More nightmares and now complete disturbia.

Actually more seriously, the movie, then the book, put me in a very contemplative state. It really is shocking to come to understand the horrors in this world are real and going on this very minute.

Its a hard thing to get my mind around. I have doubts anyone at all could explain the hideous behavior of human beings.

It makes me wonder what exactly is God seeing when he looks at our planet.

All I know is that I have started praying for people in prison in the US and in other countries.