"In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. ... " Welcome to my diary of self-actualization.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fruedian Slips are funny!

I joined the gym the other day. Actually I rejoined the gym that Tim goes to that I used to work out at like 7 years ago, when I was 25 and had nothing better to do with my life. Anyway, I found that saying to the membership guy at the gym that I was "re-joining" was a very important thing. He imediately gave me better treatment...and whipped through my paperwork for me! Afterward he profused thanked me and said, "Welcome, baaaack, Mrrrssss. Reeeeed." He had a weird way of drawing out his words.

Anyways, I go into the locker room, which is totally the bomb, steam room, towel service, robes, and tons of Japanese women who have no problem with nudity and I throw my stuff into a locker and head downstairs to work out in my old yucky stretch pants and ripped t-shirt that reads, Hey! Nobodys perfect.

When I get to my favorite place where all the glutieus maximus machines are, there are a couple of ladies on the thigh master machines. So I sit down on the machine near them and get to working out, but I couldn't help but notice though, how underdressed I was. The ladies were probably over 70 and had on Gold lame' workout pants, head bands, matching wristbands, full set nails, and jewelry. They had some European accents or something. Note to self: Get new workout outfit.

Later on I went to the gym's main room. There were more people in there and the machines were all new to me. So I walked over to the courtesy desk to get someone to show me the machines.

This young guy volunteers and afer showing me a couple of machines we walk over to this tricep machine. So I'm working out with it. You stand up straight with your elbows to your sides and then move this bar up infront of you up and down. So the guy, is talking away, you know, making sure the 2lbs I'm lifting isn't too heavy for me, and has a what you would call a freudian slip. As I lift the bar up he goes, "Do you usually have your lips like that? OH, I mean Your WRISTS. uh, yeah, your wrists...I meant your wrists....
Yah right. Heelloo! Anyway. I was kinda embarrassed and just pretended I didn't really hear him. But when I got home I couldn't wait to tell Tim how much I looooved the gym!!!!

Anyway, Tim says he is my new work out partner. He's going to show me the machines next time. Hee heeeeeeee!