"In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. ... " Welcome to my diary of self-actualization.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Wonderful weekend at my in-laws, Dale and Marie's. I thought to myself. these people are the best thing that came with marrying Tim. I love the Reeds. All of em, even the dang nuts. Because I'm sure some consider me one of the "dang nuts!"

The latest news is about my nephew Jake. He is 12 and is having a terrible time at home in California. (Backstory: child protective services knows Jake's family and has been involved before.) His Dad and step mom were planning to send him to the Grandparents.

When Tim heard of this plan, he was outraged. He promptly called his sister and ex-brother-in-law and said there is no way in hell the Grandparents are capable of raising their 12 year old son.

However Grandpa Reed is heartbroken to hear the troubles that Jake is going through. Jake and Grandpa and Grandma are very close and he calls them frequently. Grandpa really wants to take Jake in. He would have if Tim hadn't stepped in.

So here it is. Tim is protecting his parents life, and its true, the activity a 12 year old wouldl bring with him would probably shorten their lives. But Dale made a comment that really resonated with me and for some reason I haven't been able to get it out of my head. He said, "If I can't even help a great kid that needs helpin', well, what good am I?"

There is something about that comment that has been bothering me so much. I can't put my finger on it.

On one hand, Tim is right, They are too old for someone to pass their kids off on. But why are they the only ones offering? Tim won't let him come to us, and everyone has some great reason why they can't do it. Why? No money. No room. blah blah blah. But I can't help feeling that, once I was just like Jake and what if everyone who helped me said, sorry no room, sorry no time, ect?

I don't know, I wish I knew what to do. Tim says we can't save the world and he is Done Done Done with raising kids.

hmmm. Anyone want a 12 year old boy?