"In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. ... " Welcome to my diary of self-actualization.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Kindergarten Interviews coming up.

Luke is currently enrolled in pre-4, we switched him to a fantastic school from the one he attended last year.

His last school was very traditonal. Class time, large undirected group play, ect. Luke did not do well at all. He would kick and scream most mornings in order not to go to school. At recess he would act up and then go put himself in 'time-out' several times during free play. When the school called me to describe this behavior I was heartbroken and wondered what he was learning there. Obviously not conflict-resolution!

The new school we've choosen is extremely creative. The children play in groups of three and switch to different play tasks on a circuit.This is done so the child gains strong social skills. Each task is specifically designed to be creative and engaging to the child. They water plants, wash toys, play dress up with costumes, ect. They do not sit at desks. They don't even have desks! The class room has all these little areas for different kinds of play. They have very frequent excursions. Today the class is going to walk to Barnes and Noble for a story and project. Last week they went to the Kahala Mandrin for the dolphin experience. The school does not emphasize acedemics in the traditional sense. Its all done through play.

I can't tell you the joy and relief I feel in that my son wakes up excited to go to this school. He is jumping up and down to get there. A complete turn around from last year. Now without prompting he is experiementing with letters and numbers.

Last year frightened me and really woke me up to paying attention to the Luke's specific learning style. Tim and I are open to the possibilities of all the different styles that people learn and are attentive to the idea that the traditional school systems leave some kids by the wayside for one reason or another.

It's time to interview for applications to Kindergarten, we weren't going to go private for grade school because our district has the only good grade school on the Island, but the more we thought about it, realized that its difficult to get your kid in at that awkward pre-teen phase when they usually interview after 6th grade. It'd be much easier it is if your child already attends.

So we begin the search for Luke's school. Tim says Iolani, I say Waldorf or Punahou. We will see what Luke says. He will get the final call!

I know for most people sending their kid to kindergarten is an exciting thing, but for me I am just beside myself with joy. Knowing that my son has a better chance of avoiding the problems that I had is a relief that I cannot describe. In a strange way I feel he is escaping. But what exactly I cannot pin point. I just feel this is true...and I am so grateful.

May our children grow into all that God has planned for them.