"In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. ... " Welcome to my diary of self-actualization.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Home from vacay

What a beautiful time. Luke and I got home last night from Washington. We celebrated Kayla's 2nd birthday with a huge party at Earl's, where we sang horrible kareoke and drank too much and the kids had a visit from Spiderman. We also did a short camping trip to Wallowa Lake. Dad and Joy in their RV and Earl, Nora and the kids in the tent trailer. The simple things in life remind me how unbelievably rich in love I am and all that I want..I have.

It felt good to come home. Tim and Kenna picked up Luke and me right on time at the airport. When I walked in the door of our house the colorful, whimsical, warmth enveloped me completely. I breathed a small sigh and let myself feel the good feeling of being at home.

This morning as I look around the house and haphazardly wander through picking up things to be put away, dishes, laundry ect.
I feel I am the most blessed woman in the world. From where I have come from.....to where I now stand.....there is nothing I can think of that explains the journey from darkness to light, except God has shined His face on me and on my family, from the very begining. During all the hard years and now during these joyful years.

I do dishes and fold laundry and think about life. Swirling thoughts of Kianna, my sweet sweet niece, my brother and his wife, Michael, and Kayla, Dad and Joy. Quilts, and wooden bowls, my thoughtful and challenging husband whom I could not get bored with...Luke.....(he gave himself a haircut this morning while waiting for his parents to finally get out of bed.)...and I am profoundly grateful and I realize my happiness overflows and I couldn't even hold it in my hands if I tried.