"In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. ... " Welcome to my diary of self-actualization.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Recent Reading & Summer Goals

Looking back on the long break I took from writing, I believe I was unknowingly doing much needed inner work to prepare me to start writing again from an entirely new place that I was not fully aware of.

I have read a few books in the last few months that seem to follow a similar direction. They each in their own subject have allowed me to become more aware of life at a deeper level. Each book managed to leave me thoughtful and surprised at how little I know.. and with a greater appreciation of the kind of unfolding my life has taken on.
The first book "The Omnivore's Delimma" introduced me to the complex dynamic of where our food comes from, what we eat and the reverberations that follow our most mundane food related descions. This book has brought an awareness of the way my daily food choices effect not only me but in the way they reverberate out from me, the rest of the world.
The second book, "A New Earth", directed my attention to subject of 'self' at it's deepest core. Unlike the previous book, this book seemed to bring my attention inside myself. This book facilitated many new awarenesses and consequently I grew more free to disentangle myself of limiting ideas I had previously thought to be an unquestionable part of my who I am. A new concept of being insignificant and paridoxically, ultimately sacred has pervaded me since finishing this book almost a year ago. This book encouraged me to consider what ultimately makes us who we are, and gave me the almost giddy permission not to know.

The most recent Book, "The Spiral Staircase' was an incredibly validating and encouraging book. I am still processing the ideas and will hopefully continue to do so for life. However, on a short note, I think it has given me more confidence to simply accept and be who I am, and to try to continue to offer this divine right to others as well. This book addressed head on the question of the existence of God and takes a global look at three major religion's-so called claim to a monopoly on truth.

The Summer has began and I feel like I am at a new starting place. I feel I am to write this year. To begin some kind of journey with words. I am not sure yet of the topics, although I have several ideas. With much trepidation I face the idea of actually sitting down to put words to into sentences that become paragraphs that become pages and chapters that convey for me somehow the way I have experienced the world in which we live, and hopefully it becomes something that is able to manifest my deepest humanity in a way that others recognize themselves as well.

Wish me luck.