"In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. ... " Welcome to my diary of self-actualization.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ants on Drugs

If anyone thinks the life of a stay-at-home-mom is boring, they obviously haven't hung out with me and my kid, and don't know about the sublime conversations that can happen at any given moment.

Luke and I went for a night Safeway run to pick a couple of things up. (We needed yeast for the bread we were making) On the way home a country song was playing called, "Drugs or Jesus", one of my favorites I must add.

Anyway, from the back seat Luke asks me, "Mom, are drugs bad and Jesus good?"
Me: Um, Yeah.
Luke: Oh....well don't people eat drugs?
Me: Well....yeah.
Luke: Oh..... how do people get the drugs in their bodies?
Me: Well, they take bad pills or powder......
(5 minutes silence.)
Luke: Mom?
Me: Yeah.
Luke: Do ants do drugs?
Me: No... they'd die......to small.....
Luke: But...if they did do drugs would they be bad ants?
Me: No.
Luke: Why not?
Me: Cause they don't have brains.
Luke: ( total outrage and shock) What?! NO BRAINS! Why!
Me: ...Well insects don't have brains like we do.
Luke: (after a few minutes of silence) Well, mom, do ants have BONES?
Me: Their bones are on the outside and they are soft on the inside.
After a moment of deep thought.
Luke: (with total delight.) Ahhh! You mean they are NAKED on the inside?
Me: Yup. Naked.

I could see another sublime conversation was about to begin.