"In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. ... " Welcome to my diary of self-actualization.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Hey mf's...I'm Breathin' Freeeeeeeeeeee!

I haven't done anything with my life today. I'm a complete loser. Well, I did make the bed and pick up the house somewhat but thats because if I don't then I feel super uncomfortable, like itchy. Anyway, I am 'breathing free' that means I quit smoking but Oprah says not to say 'quit', you say, 'I'm f---ing breathing free'. Yah okay.

So the good news is I have been 'breathing free' since the 7th. Hoorah! The bad thing is, is that I had to go to my head shrinker doctor to readjust my medicine. I suggested to him to just cut to the chase and give me Vicodin. I don't know why we just mess around with other stuff. He didn't really see it that way though. So instead he ups my dosage of my anti-anxiety pill x3, and I really gotta tell you, its working. I am 'breathing free', I am also drooling, but no matter. I won't have cancer. Speaking of which, that is a new worry on my mind. I've had a bit of a sore back this morning, I was sure my spine was riddled with cancer but then again its probably because I slept till 11. Whatever. I am 'breathing free' okay? So I will sleep alot and its OKAY. Ha.
Now, I am going to go and accomplish something. What that will be I have no idea. Maybe organize my son's legos or repackage the dry cereal into tupperware. Hmmmmm....the choices are many...