"In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. ... " Welcome to my diary of self-actualization.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Dance Battle

Last night I took my 4 year old son, Luke and his 11 year old cousin to see Chris Brown in concert. It was quite the experience.
Now its not what your thinking. Chris Brown is not the typical rapper you'd think of right off. This guy is very cool and considered to be the best dancer currently for hip hop in the world. The concert totally rocked....from a kids point of view, that is.....no really..I actually loved it too. Besides Chris Brown joined this 'club' where the music artists pledge to use clean langauge. No nasty lyrics, no bitches, no ho's, and the like. Anyway, I felt his show was child friendly enough to bring my young ones to and apparantly so did many other parents. I was one of many out of place parents standing next to pre-teen kids going CRAZY. Yes it was quite the experience. I think it was great. Luke was completely mesmerized by the dancing and special effects.

My thinking on this is that I'd like to expose Luke to as much diverse talent as possible, kind of to show him what is possible in the world, to give him things to dream about and strive towards.
I know as a child my family lived in a smaller community and I wasn't exposed much to any kinds of talent unless it was highschool sports or singing in church. My artistic dreams never matured to personal possibility simply because I never met anyone who spoke the language of creative arts until I was much much older. If Luke has any of my leanings Tim and I are ready! We both noticed its highly likely from what Luke has shown so far!
He loves to perform and is very physical. For instance, this morning Luke and I did 'battle.'( I may be able to load the video later....) You ask, what is battle? Okay, its a dance off. His middle sister Remy made him a cd of his favorite rap songs. So I put it on and we take turns trying to out do each other breakdancing, popping, roboting, and other awesome dance moves. Its so fun, his sister Kenna, joined in and Tim too. Everyone doing the 'pop lock and drop' and 'getting low' and what not. Way fun. Luke's oldest sister Mariko was there too but she is a bit more 'Japanese' then her sister Kenna and too dignified to do the robot but she did get some good laughs though! Hopefully I can share the video because as you will see, Luke takes himself very seriously with his hip hop!
I guess the way I see is, that even if Luke does not end up mastering any particular art, the point is to understand the necessity of being able to express yourself from your heart joyously and spontaneously. In the world we live in its too often we do what we think we 'should' and end up forgetting the importance of child-like joy. There is so much regurgitated knowlegde and rules we need to learn to survive and while that is good....I just want to stress the other side. The side of honoring your dreams and living from the heart.
So I'm curious. What are your dreams? The thing you always wished you could do? The thing that when you're driving in the car you imagine yourself doing. You are flamenco dancing? Bravo. Go do it. You are a poet? Fabulous. Go make some poems. Who cares if they're crappy. I dance tahitian. I am terrible. But so what. There are enough experts in the world.
I you have the time I'd love to know....please comment and tell me what you would secretly love to do.