"In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. ... " Welcome to my diary of self-actualization.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

KInda like crack, but not.

I was reading this website the other day about a bunch of super cool stuff. Zen type stuff. I book marked the site so I could see what was up with trying to get more Zen in my life. They had so many great ideas about simplifying life. One of the ideas I liked the most was how to declutter. So today, I decluttered my linen closet and dangnagit, it looks GOOD! WhOOHOO! The joy. The sheer satisfaction. Its so extreme. I seriously recommend doing this. I mean seriously, its freakin EUPHORIC! I actually had to take photos of it.

Whew. So I am truly moving forward in my search for a zen-filled life according to the website.Yesssssssss!

Tim once told me about a business associate of his that was such a high-strung, creative type, that he told Tim that he HAD to meditate daily or go whack. So I'm thinking, yah, maybe me too. You know, if I'm not smoking I am a bit high strung....you know....energetic....like on crack, but not. Its just me completely natural. I guess I'm lucky.