"In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. ... " Welcome to my diary of self-actualization.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It is well with my soul

Life has been a continuous beautiful learning experience for me, so I have not have not had the inclination to write anything until today when I felt I could finally see the larger pictures and lessons.

I took a walk this morning but not until I dropped off Luke at Kindergarten. On the way to school we practiced his Alphabet flash cards. He is so excited to learn. Tim introduced a simple but creative method for him that each time he remembers the letter and corresponding sound he earns a penny, then at the end of the week we will take him to buy a small treat with his money! It is so wonderful for Tim and I to see Luke happily learning and growing.

Tim had been gone for about 10 days or so, saying goodbye to his youngest daughter Kenna who is spending her last year of highschool at a boarding school. It wasn't easy for him. The trip seemed long for us both but when he returned Luke and I were extremely happy to have him home.

Lately Luke seems to be overjoyed and he is like a cup spilling over with love.

While Tim was gone I finished reading a book. There was a part in the book that spoke about children and that what they want more than anything is to be recognized at the spirit level. Not only for what they do or do not do, or constantly pushing them to do this or that...to hurry up..ect. But they, like all human beings long to be seen for who they are beneath our physical and material selves. This resonated so deeply in me. I thought back on my childhood and the times my mom or dad were with me in a way that saw through my outer shell to the being God created. I have been becoming more aware of the time I spend with my child and the way that I do it...and not just Luke, but this awareness has effected the way I interact with people in general. After all we all long to be recognized in spirit.

One time my mom took me on a bike ride, just her and me. We packed a backpack and put twinkies in it. We stopped to rest under a tree and ate our twinkies and talked. She was fully present, I felt nothing was more important than what we were doing at that moment. She recognized me as an important human being that she loved. On the other hand my Dad, I remember doing the same thing in a different way. When the world was about to overwhelm me he would swoop in to remind me that I would never be alone. I was 17 and in some bad trouble, he simply looked at me without judgment and said there was nothing we could not handle together. The knowledge of his love that day would see me through many years of hardship and become a reminder to me of my true worth. Thank you.

Last night Luke made a comment to me. I was giving him a bath, his hair full of soap suds, and he cocks his head to the side and looks at me very seriously and asks, "Mom, were you a star?"
I wasn't sure I understood. "Huh? What do you mean?"
"Well, you know like on T.V. Were you the star of a show?"
I was so temped to lie! "well....noooo." Still not sure where this was going.
"Oh, but you dance so good and look like the girls on T.V. so I though you were a star, you know before me, when you were younger."
I am thoroughly enjoying this blessed place in life when children idealize their parents. For someday we will fall from the pedestal to be monsters and then mere human beings........but for today...my son thinks I'm a star!
Not to hog all the limelight, when Tim was saying goodnight to Luke he askes him, "Dad, are you a president?"
"Well, yes, of my company."
Luke is thoughtful for a moment. "Well, then how come you're not on the money?"
Oh the sweet sweet love of a child to his parents. One of God's best gifts that could be given to us mere mortals. The love of a child. What is more beautiful?

So like I had started out saying, I had gone for a walk this morning. I rounded the corner and put on my ipod. I trodded up Diamond Head with no idea what was coming. I watched the ocean and felt the breeze as I neared the top. When I got to the lookout, I sat down mesmerized by the vastness of the ocean and as I sat there in silence two things happened, I remembered how small I am and at the same time I remembered how vast I am. As these two thoughts converged my joy, peace, and understanding grew, and an unexpected song came on clear and true through my headphones, that was perfectly timed by God. (It is like the one you should be hearing now.) After a while I got up and with a clear and grateful perspective and headed home.

Much Love to all.